Hook up your "Vintage" Video Game System to a modern TV THROUGH THE STANDARD RF ANTENNA CONNECTION, found on the back of any of today's newer televisions! By using this adapter, you avoid trying to attach the double "screw in" spade connectors found on your old video game system's switch box! No newer TVs have had this "old school", "double spade" antenna connection since the 70's and early 80's! This adapter is compatible with any of the following systems:* Atari 2600* Atari 7800* "2 Port" Atari 5200 (this adapter will not work on a "4 Port" system)* Atari 400* Atari 800* Commodore 64* Commodore Vic 20* Commodore 128* Intellivision * Colecovision* Sega Master System* Sega Genesis* and other older computers and video game systems that have a single male RCA output for both the video and sound!Have you lost or broken your old switch box? This unit completely replaces it!
Atari / Intellivision / Colecovision / Sega RF TV Adapter! HOOK UP YOUR VINTAGE SYSTEM TO A MODERN TV WITHOUT A SWITCH BOX!
Model Of Item : pp-001
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